How do I sync with my partner?

There are three ways to sync with your partner:

Onboarding - Share invite link

The first occurs automatically as part of the initial onboarding process. You'll be prompted to share a unique invite link with your partner. Share the link by email, text, airdrop, slack, or any messaging app.

Settings - Share invite link

  1. Start on the home screen within the Cupla app
  2. Tap More (bottom right corner of the home screen)
  3. Tap 'Invite Partner to Cupla' (top right)
  4. Tap 'Share' and send via your preferred messaging app
  5. Your partner will receive a link and which will link to the app store, prompting them to down load Cupla and set up an account. 

Homescreen - Share link

  1. Start on the home screen within the Cupla app
  2. Scroll down and tap 'Invite' on the 'Invite your partner to Cupla' tile
  3. Note down your unique 6-digit code
  4. Open your partner's app and from the home screen tap 'Enter' on the 'Got an invite code from your partner?' tile

If for any reason you are having trouble connecting with your partner, please message our support team at

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