How do I direct connect my Outlook calendar?

Here’s how to add your direct connect your Outlook calendar:

  1. Tap 'More' bottom right'
  2. Tap 'Calendar Settings'
  3. Tap ‘Calendar Connections’
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Direct Connect’ section
  5. Tap the Connect Outlook Calendar button
  6. Select Continue
  7. In the Microsoft interface, add your username and password
  8. Select ‘Yes’ to ‘Stay Signed In?’
  9. Review the Outlook permissions and tap ‘Yes’
  10. Wait up to 1 minute before being returned to the Calendar Connections screen in Cupla
  11. Scroll down to ‘Direct Connections’ and you will see a new ‘Microsoft’ heading
  12. Select the Microsoft calendar
  13. Tap Save at the bottom of the screen in ‘Calendar Connections’

Please note, the Outlook Direct calendar may take a few minutes to appear in your Cupla Calendar.

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