How do I direct connect my Google calendar?

Here’s how to add your direct connect your Google calendar:

  1. Tap 'More' bottom right or 'Settings' (cog in the top right on Android)
  2. Tap 'Calendar Settings'
  3. Tap ‘Calendar Connections’
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Direct Connect’ section
  5. Tap the Connect Google Calendar button
  6. Select the 'Personal' option if prompted by Google (this prevents the events appearing in Cupla as 'Busy')
  7. Select the Google Calendar you wish to synchronize
  8. Review the Google permissions and tap ‘Allow’
  9. Tap Save at the bottom of the screen in ‘Calendar Connections’

Please note, the Google Direct calendar may take a few minutes to appear in your Cupla Calendar.

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